Saturday, July 12, 2008

I hate dr's - part II

Arrrghh! G's skin looks terrrible. Every day, it's abotu 50% worse than the day before. I've never seen anything like this. Miss A has eczema, but it looks nothing like this (BTW, the dr feels this is eczema from his, oh, 3 second look). Now she has areas on her trunk that don't even have bumps - they are just red. And they seem to follow her lower rib cage - more like a line, than a blotch. I'd honestly think shingles except she's never had the chicken pox.

Wood called the dr on call yesterday evening. The dr told us to use more steriod cream. Wood said "even over such a great percentage of her total skin area?" Dr said "it won't hurt her at all". We live in an area where NO ONE asks their doctor's questions. The only feedback people up here give their physician is "yes doctor, no doctor". I'm not kidding. They think I'm a royal pain the neck and get irritated that I expect sound,medical info, not just here, take these scripts and see me in a week. This is probably the last place in the nation where the Doctor as God complex is alive and well.

We are getting ourselves to a dermatologist pronto. I refuse to coat the majority of my daughter's skin with a high percentage steriod cream. Oh, and the dr last night, when Wood asked if the steriod creams were safe, given that she is on high dose inhaled steriods, he told us that NONE of the inhaled steriods get into the body, except the lungs. Then why does using high dose, inhaled steriods slow the growth velocity of children if it never gets anywhere but the lungs?(this has been proven, and it mentioned prominently in the package inserts that come with her meds).

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Oh, that sounds so frustrating. I'm so sorry. But I don't blame you for questioning things one bit...I hope you get some better answers pronto.