Sunday, July 26, 2009

15 weeks pregnant...

Feeling much better these days. Only gained 3.5 lbs, but am huge already. Have my big anatomy ultrasound on August 20th. All I want to know is that everything is ok with the baby, and that the placenta previa is at least starting to move up!

I'm starting to get reluctant to share the news about my pregnancy with those who don't know yet, as most folks are utterly shocked by it, and hardly congratulatory. I don't know if it's because it's our 5th child, or that we are "older". Either way, I think people should keep their comments to themselves. If one more person tells me how old I will be when the baby graduates high school I think I will scream. HOw old will I be in 18 years if I wasn't having a baby???? Thanks for doing the math for me, really, that was sooo helpful.

The other one that gets me is the "better you than me" comment. Yup, for the baby's sake, I'm glad it's me and not you either, since you obviously are so turned off by the idea of adding another child to your family.....

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

About my dad.....

I wrote some time ago about the brain infection my dad had late last winter, triggered by his powerful Remicade arthritis drug, which suppressed the immune system. My dad, still never fully recovered from his lengthy illness, and compounded by worries that as a GM retiree that he would lose his pension/medical benefits with the recent GM bankruptcy and would go broke with medical bills, decided to take his own life.

It is very difficult to think of someone you love completely losing hope and feeling that this is the only option left. It is alarming to feel that perhaps he was not even thinking clearly, as his illness caused erratic behavior.

Funeral arrangements have not yet been made, as his body has not yet been released by the Medical examiner due to the nature of his death. Just home yesterday from Milwaukee for G's appts at Children's hospital, we are headed downstate this afternoon.

Monday, July 13, 2009

My father has died...

I received the news late last night that my father has died. Will post more later.