Monday, July 21, 2008

Happy Birthday to you......!!

B is now 19 years old. I don't know how they grow so fast. When they are small, at times the days seem endless. You are sure certain stages will never end - sleep issues, tantrums, nursing, whatever. But if you look at your life as a timeline, the issue at hand is always just a small blip on the entire timeline. And you wonder why you let the time slip away so fast, without really living in the moment.

The days are long, but the years are so short. Make the most of the time you have, everyday.

B is an incredibly mature, responsible young man. During this health crisis with his father, even as upset as he was, I was amazed that he could think ahead and be rational about his father's health and help to ensure that all the details got taken care of . He is a natural peacemaker. In high school, he easily made friends among all the diverse "groups" or cliches, that normally stay seperate. He easily fit in with the athletes, as he did with the chess club, the studious academic kids and others. Much to our amazement, he was mentioned in both of the valedictorians speeches at commencement. He has a unique ability to see beyond stereotypes and truely pick his friends for their character, not any superficial qualities - which can be incredibly hard in High school. And he has the courage of his convictions to do the right thing, and not give in to peer pressure.

Happy birthday, B. We love you so much and are very proud of you!

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