Wednesday, January 2, 2008


My dr's office opened at 9am this morning. I was on the phone at 9:01am. I explained that I was a patient of Dr. S and that I needed my MRI results. "Dr. S isn't in today, but he'll be in tomorrow". That's OK, I told her, I just need my test results. "But Dr. S isn't in today". Surely there are other physicians in the office who can give me my test results? Or a nurse? "Well, I'll give it to the nurse, and we'll see what we can do". 5 hrs later, I'd heard nothing. Well, if it was good news, any nurse could have called me, right? So I wait.

Finally, at 3pm, Dr. S calls me. From home. He explains that they found/confirmed 3areas that are highly suspicious. They were not on last years films. They are NOT cysts - the MRI can tell that, apparently. I'm now scheduled for MRI guided biopsies of all three areas. Did I mention that there are three?

I've never even heard of an MRI guided biopsy. For those of you who haven't had the occasion to have an MRI, it's a small, claustrophobia inducing tube, much like a coffin. You lie in the tiny, tiny tube listening to extremely loud clanking and banging noises. How in the world can they do a biopsy in an MRI? My dr was unfamiliar with all the details - he says it's relatively new. I've since looked it up on the internet, and while I'm reassured that it can be an effective way of performing a biopsy without major surgery, I'm still quite foggy on the details.

My dr emphasized that the areas are small. Even if they are malignant, that it's been caught early. If they don't get satisfactory results or are unable to get to each area for a good biopsy, then I will need surgery.

Shortly after I got off the phone with him, the hospital was calling to schedule the procedure. It's set up for next week.

And so we wait.


Anonymous said...

aaargh! I'm sorry for the wait. I hope you can think of something fun to do to distract you.
More prayers....

Anonymous said...

Will keep praying.

Kari said...

Us too! Sending hugs to the snowy UP.