Thursday, January 3, 2008


They moved my biopies from the 9th to the 10th. Great, one extra day of waiting. And now I'll most likely have to go through the following weekend before getting my test results.

I've now googled every single MRI breast biopsy site on the internet. I don't know what more I'm looking for - how about that one, elusive piece of information that would make me say "see, that doesn't fit. It COULDN'T be cancer". Darn, havn't found it yet.

A few days after the procedure, we can start to move into our new house. We don't actually close on the house until the 17th, but the current owner is being sooo kind as to let us have a few extra days. What a blessing. The folks who are buying this house are in a big hurry to get in. This house is looking more like a warehouse of boxes, and less like a home. I walk down the hall and wonder what looks so strange - oh, right, the pictures are missing off the walls. I will miss this house.

Because I'm having multiple biopsies, I'm not supposed to lift heavy objects for a few days. Hopefully 48 hours counts as "a few days" because we have a LOT of boxes. Moving is sooo much work. The little girls don't make it easier - what a surprise.

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