Sunday, January 27, 2008

I'm still here....

The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.

We are all moved, and the essentials are unpacked. I have curtains in all three of the bedrooms as of last night, so I'm considering us more or less "settled in". The dynamic duo seems to LOVE being in a smaller house, so many of my fears there were unfounded. We've had some exciting adventures - gas leak, electrical short (only when you used the microwave AND lights at the same time, though)

I'm not immensely talkative about myself at the moment. I am looking towards some pretty major surgery, which at this point I'm not inclined to have up here. I'm searching outwards - Marshfield, Detroit Metro area, Milwaukee or Minnesota. It's hard for me to focus on it, however - or anything. I don't want to think about work - I just want to stay home with my family, set up my new home and let the world pass me by for awhile.


Anonymous said...

Prayers from Iowa. We check in every day. I wish I could take do some laundry, or bring you a meal. Virtual hugs to you.

Anonymous said...

Oh, thank God you're ok! I've been so worried about you! Glad to hear that the move went well and the girls are doing so well. Will continue prayers that you. {{{hugs}}}