Tuesday, November 4, 2008


We have come to the end of a long journey. This was a historic election. The fact that we are seeing an African American President in the White House is wonderful and amazing. In this, I rejoice. All Americans should be celebrating tonight. It is hopeful and optimistic progress for our country and something we should be proud of as Americans.

However, I'm still deeply, deeply dissapointed. I believe that life, all life, is sacred. To me, that is a foundational issue. It is a deep part of who I am, my faith, my family and my life. President Elect Obama's stance of no restrictions whatsoever at any time on abortion is more than deeply troubling. There are many other issues that I dissagree with Obama's platform, but this one holds special significance. It is difficult not to feel despair for the most vulnerable in our society tonight.

Looking forward, I pray that Obama leads with strength and great wisdom and is able, with his youth and enthusiam, to unite our country. These are difficult times for our country. We face many challenges and we need to work together, beginning tomorrow, to solve some difficult problems facing all of it's citizens. That is the strength of our country. We may not always win, but we are all Americans.

God bless America.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this post. Beautifully said. You have conveyed exactly what is in my heart tonight. I too am glad that a Black man has finally won the Presidency... that is long over due.
But I am also filled with deep, deep disappointment and real fear. Deep disappointment that many of the values and believes that lead my ancestors to this country, that they laid down their very lives for, could well be destroyed in the next four years. And I am afraid of what will become of all I love about this country.
But you're right, we do need to work together if we're going to make it.
And I agree...
God bless America