Sunday, October 28, 2007


"From the fullness of His grace we have all received one blessing after another." John 1:16

G is definitely getting better! She has more energy, slept VERY well last night (no horrid coughing to wake her multiple times) and hasn't used her rescue inhaler at all today! We have been using her rescue meds, in addition to our "normal" arsenal of medications, around the clock for 27 days now. She was able to run across the room today without experiencing a prolonged coughing jag. She has good oxygen saturation levels. This is, indeed, major progress. There is no sweeter sound that the blessed SILENCE from her relentless coughing. No matter how many times a day I hear it, for how many months in a row, it literally makes me wince every single time she coughs.

Since she doing so well, we promised her we would all go tonight to the Moosewood nature center's Friendly frights forest, followed by hot cocoa and donuts. Hopefully, the return to normalcy. I will attempt with every bone in my body to resist the compulsion to 1)completely overbundle her 2)let her run ahead if she feels like it 3)not ask her every 30 seconds "are you breathing ok?" 4)put a wall of Purell between her and any conceivable germ.

1 comment:

Hoffbeauty said...

Edie, I am SO glad to hear that G is feeling better....praise the Lord! I hope you had a wonderful time out as a family last night, and I hope you enjoyed the hot cocoa and donuts...sounds delicious!